Thursday, April 3, 2014

Healthy Sex Chronicles Part I: 4Play All Day Long

You've probably heard that good foreplay is the secret to great sex. Well, it's true, but foreplay doesn't just refer to the brief fondling that occurs minutes before intercourse. Experts believe that it also includes every suggestive action that occurs throughout the day between partners before leading up to sex. Keeping your partner primed for what's to come is the surest way to have him or her begging for the big finale.

Why does all-day foreplay work?

Imagine that you're cooking steaks for dinner. Would you rather throw it on a skillet right away, or would you prefer to let it marinade in an awesome blend of spices overnight before savoring it? The latter obviously sounds more appealing, right? The same reasoning applies to sex. Foreplay is the marinade that makes everything taste so much better.

The power of suggestion is one that's very hard to resist. Foreplay is all about suggestion. Doing little things here and there to entice your partner over the course of the day is the way to build up carnal desires. Sex is as much a mental game as it is a physical one. The brain is an amazing thing, and without thinking about sex beforehand, the sexual activity wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable as it could be. When your partner is lusting for your touch, the level of arousal that he or she feels when you both finally make contact will be seriously magnified. That's exactly what you want.

What can I do to tease my partner?

There are many ways to wet your partner's sexual appetite. On the day that you plan to get freaky, here's what you can do.

> Give your significant other a juicy smooch before heading off to work

Instead of the typical peck on the cheek, use your lips and tongue with this one. Take your time, and don't be afraid to ruin your lipstick. You can always reapply it.

> Leave a sexy note in your partner's purse or briefcase

There are few surprises more pleasant than letting your partner know what you want to do to him or her after work. Sticky notes carefully placed in pants pockets, wallets, or even on a laptop screen should do the trick.

> Send each other "sexts" throughout the day

Sexy text messages will surely have your significant other yearning for more after you've stimulated that mind repeatedly.

> Surprise your partner by sending seductive photos over email

Like they say, pictures are worth a thousand words. In this case, risqué self-shots could be worth the best sexual experience you've ever had.

Enjoy and take good care of yourself!

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