There are many reasons woman don't reach the big "O's" or have rather dull orgasms when they do climax. Yes, orgasms from oral sex is all good, but it's not the kind that make you want to cry, scream loud enough to wake your neighbors, or rush home and smack your mama! These tips are helpful for woman that have low sex drives, weakened pelvic muscles because of childbirth or age, or just want to spice up their love life.
Not to get all scientific and psychological on y'all, but a lot of woman suffer from slight depression and don't know it. We all get stressed out once and awhile, we eat poorly, don't exercise, or we engage in unhealthy lifestyles (excessive drinking, smoking, use of prescription drugs). I threw in prescription drugs because meds (e.g. birth control pills or meds for anxiety/depression) can interfere with your natural hormones causing a low sex drive. These unhealthy lifestyles can cause the following:
- Low dopamine levels. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter from your brain that signals that whatever activity you just did was good one. It basically makes us feel when we do things like eat a brownie or have good sex, dopamine is released in the brain.
- Unbalanced serotonin levels. Serotonin is another neurotransmitter in the brain. It enhances alertness, improves mood, and makes people feel happy. A balanced amount of serotonin helps us handle stress, regulate appetites, and makes us feel energized. When your serotonin is rock bottom you are usually suffering from severe depression...when it's too high, you may be super efficient and getting things done; however, you are too amped to have sex because you're thinking about reorganizing your closet.
- Low free testosterone levels. This is the hormone that makes you crave and desire sex. Men have way higher amounts of this hormone than woman which probably why they think about sex ALL THE FREAKING TIME. This is the mojo that you need to get your groove back. Free testosterone is the ratio of your total level of testosterone in your body and the level of sex-hormone binding globulin (SGBH) present. The lower the SGBH, the higher the free testosterone.
So now that we've had that brief science lesson. Here are some tips for getting your "O"MG!!
- Take lots and lots of fish oil everyday. Fish oil increases your dopamine levels. Consider it your holistic Viagra. When I say a lot, I mean 2500mg EPA, 2000mg DHA per day. Check the bottle to see how much EPA and DHA are in each capsule of fish oil. Be prepared to take over 6 capsules a day (2 at each meal). If you weigh more than 230 lbs, take up to 3400mg EPA and 2600mg DHA in your fish oil capsules.
- Take a calcium, zinc, and magnesium (1000/400/15mg) supplement everyday.
- Take an iron supplement (27mg) every 2-3 days.
- Eat 1/2 oz of dark chocolate everyday to increase serotonin levels.
- Eat nuts, and lean protein. Ever notice how men that eat a lot of meat have that "strong, manly, lumberjack" sex appeal. It's in the meat. Lean meat raises your free testosterone hormone levels.
- Avoid the following things as much as possible because they kill serotonin levels and increase the SBGH:
- Starchy and sugary foods
- Anti-depressant meds
- Caffeine and herbal teas that have caffeine (gingko and ginseng)
- Excessive alcohol
- 2-3 days lift light weights. Added muscle also increases free testosterone levels. Don't worry light weights with many reps won't turn you into She-Ra!
- Invest in vaginal cone weights or Kegel exerciser to strengthen your pelvic muscles. This will allow you to control your sensations during sex. I recommend:
GyneFlex with VTP (R) - Regular Strength
I know this is a sensitive subject so feel free to send me a message if you have questions or leave an anonymous comment and I will respond. It's your right to have a great sex life and when that's in check, the usual daily annoyances don't seem so bad!
Well alrighty then! Let the neighbor disturbing Orgasms begin!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I had NO IDEA that such a thing as GyneFlex with VTP existed. I have been enlighted! Good stuff G! :-)