Monday, January 31, 2011

Clay is Not Just for Pottery!

Need a face lift? Clay is a natural cleanser that I live by. Mix ¼ cup of bentonite clay with ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar. Mix with a non-metal spoon and then apply to face. Let it harden then rinse off. You can also drink it to help remove toxins from your body. Works wonders on internal and skin ailments. It’s a miracle mineral from the earth. Check it out!

Take good care of yourself.

Sulfates Might Be Killing Your Hair

If you want your hair to grow stay away from hair products that include sulfates. Sulfates are the foaming agent in many soap and cleansers...what's crazy is it's the same ingredient used to degrease engines and clean your clothes (i.e. Tide, Cheer). Very dangerous to the body and thins out hair over time.

Take good care of yourself.

How to Easily Identify Organic Produce

If you want to be sure you're buying organic produce, just look at the # on the little sticker on the fruit or vegatable. If the # starts with a "9" then it's organic. Anything else probably has pesticides and other chemicals in it.

Take good care of yourself.